Not so bad

I started practicing yoga as a long relationship slowly dissolved. I lucked into a mellow ashtanga-based studio in White River Junction, VT. I moved back to LA, figured out that I had been doing ashtanga, found a great teacher who left on his annual migration to Thailand, and then mustered my courage and went to a mysore-style studio in Silverlake. In those last three months in LA before moving to the northern reaches of CA, I was practicing up to kapotasana. Four years, three moves, two jobs, half an ocean, a shoulder tweak, two hiatuses from practice, and the best fella a girl could want later, I just got to kapotasana again today.

And it wasn’t so bad!

The first time around, I remember feeling panicky. This time, nope. It wasn’t scary at all.  Without assistance, I managed to walk my hands past my toes on the outside of my feet.  The shoulders are tighter than last time, but I know so much more about them now!

One Response to “Not so bad”

  1. (0v0) Says:


    That’s a good room there in SL.